About Andrew

Andrew Corrigan MW has been fascinated by food and wine from a young age. He became a Master of Wine after passing the rigorous exams of the London based Institute of Masters of Wine. Master of Wine is recognised as the highest achievement in the global wine community. Those who have attained the qualification are equipped with a unique understanding of and set of skills for dealing with all aspects of the business of wine.

He spent many years full time in the wine trade. He has been involved in restaurant ownership and management and has consulted on several award winning wine lists. Andrew is a part owner of an Australian wine estate, Hidden Creek Winery (www.hiddencreek.com.au) and Catalyst (www.catalystwines.com.au). He has been published in magazines and newspapers in Australia and internationally. He is known as an excellent wine educator and presents regularly in Australia as well as at international seminars for the Masters of Wine.